Shabbat Option

“It’s not a scooter, it’s an Amigo.”

The Shabbat option provides a halachically-approved mobility device for people who want to observe the Sabbath.

How does this work?

  • A toggle switch changes operation from normal to Shabbat mode.
  • With no throttle lever activation by the user, the module’s timing circuit sets the mobility device into idle motion after a short delay (approx. 10 seconds), satisfying the “no work” Sabbath restriction.

The Shabbat option is available on the Amigo RT Express, RD and HD models.

  • The Shabbat option is available on the Amigo RT Express, RD and HD models.
    Every Amigo with the Shabbat option is individually inspected and certified by a Zomet Institute representative.
  • The models are inspected and certified ahead of time.

Please contact us for color and model availability.

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